EARTH HOUR - Tips to save energy
- When you go away for more than a day switch off the main power switch.
- Use candles instead of your incandescent lights for dinner.
- Configure your computer to “energy saving” mode in which it will automatically change to the state of low consumption.
- Switching off the screen can save even more than just letting the screen saver run.
- Turning your computer off at night instead of leaving it on will save on average 25% of its annual energy bill.
- A television in standby mode can use up to as much as half the electricity as when it is switched on.
- Make sure that your refrigerator door is tightly fit.
- Don’t put warm or hot food straight into the freezer.
- The toaster is more energy efficient than the grill for toasting bread.
- When using a percolator to make tea or coffee, boil only the amount of water required.
- Replace air conditioner filters.
- Turn off appliances, lights andequipment when not in use.
- Do not use the remote to switch off your appliances, since they will still be consuming electricity on stand by.
- Use solar powered lights for your garden.
- Keep the refrigerator away from direct sunlight or the oven.
- Fill your electric jug with only the amount of water you need to boil.
- Using a warm machine wash setting in your washing machine rather than a hot wash will cut consumption by half.
- Look for an energy rating when shopping for appliances.
- Only heat or cool the rooms you are using
- Use a ceiling fan whenever you can.
- Don’t leave the water running while brushing your teeth.
- At home, separate cans, bottles, plastic, and newspaper and take it to a recycling center.
- When you go grocery shopping, take a permanent carrying bag instead of using their plastic bags.
- Use rechargeable batteries instead of regular throw away batteries as much as you can.
- Keep your fridge and freezer closed as much as possible.
- Don’t locate your fridge and freezer in direct sunlight or next to the stove or dishwasher.
- Don’t use your dryer, if you can help it.
- Check the seal on your refrigerator door.
- Drive slow, the faster you drive the more fuel you consume.
If your intended destination is not too far away, consider walking than driving your car.
Use a sponge instead of a paper towel around the kitchen.
Encourage recycling, buy recycled products and support your local recycling agency.
Don’t buy single-use, throw-away products such as plastic utensils, razors and paper plates.
Don’t throw but recycle your old phones.
Use containers again - buy food, drinks and toiletries in returnable containers and ask local shops to stock them.
Repair your old electronic gadgets instead of constantly shopping for new ones.
Rearrange your plumbing so that rainwater or wastewater from your shower and tub is used to flush your toilet.
Refrain from purchasing overpackaged products.
Educate your children on the importance of climate change.